Wednesday, May 30, 2007

next time,
there wont be no next time.
cause i give up giving a shit.
just fuck off.

spoke at : 6:39 AM

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

shame burns like poison on my lips,
everytime i utter that name.
I pray my heart dies,
and that feeling follows behind.

haha. did you see that little window
on the side of my blog?
i've finally found the song.
Its the End of the world.
nice huh?
if you haven clicked play.
go click it now.
the song kinda has an insane ring to it.
especially when she starts talking.
but i like it.
it reminds me of the movie
girl, interupted.

so i hope u share my sentiments
on the song.

thats all i have time for.
my eyeballs have the
"pressing into my eyes"
feeling again.
means i need to sleep.


spoke at : 5:02 AM

Sunday, May 27, 2007

over the week end.
i didnt really do much.
oh wait.
i did quite alot.

on saturday,
i went to school for some meet the parents session.
it was quite a drag.
and personally,
i really hate the thought of all
the lecturers finding out the my mum is
"one of them".
its hard to hold a candle against my mum.

went to meet sk, yow, and ryl.
in mos.
they were playing cards again.
but we managed to gosssip and chat.
exactly what we wanted to do.
i suppose the rest of f7 were busy indulging in their romantic lives.
as you can tell,
the ones that met up are the one that are
happily single.
okayy.. maybe not happily.
but single.

after that, we broke up.
i went to met my family to watch Pirates.
grace went to trellis for a party,
sk went to met her parents.
and ryl went k boxing.

and yes.
what can i say about it.
just thinking of it makes my heart beat fast.
and not in a good romantic way either.
in frustration.
i swear.
thinking about the ending just makes my blood boil.

okayy. i'm talking about the ending.
you shld skip this part if you
are thinking of watching the movie.
dont say i didnt warn you!!!

its a happy ending in some ways.
but not for orlando bloom and keira knightly!!!
its like fucking sad!
thanks to the stupid octopus guy, davy jones.
orlando bloom dies,
and the only way to save him
is to make him the new captain of the flying dutch man (the ship)
but theres this curse involved.
so now,
orlando is stuck in the neither world,
ferrying souls of those who died at sea
back and forth.
and he can only set foot back on shore
like once in 10 years.
to see keira knightly.

like what the fuck right?
whats the point.
the next time he sees her, she'll be like 30 plus
and he'll still be the same.
so what if they got married.
like whats the point of being married
if you're only going to see ur beloved once in
10 freaking years.

the ending for them was like so
bittersweet and romantic
that my tears were literally streaming down my face.
even though
my face was tilted up
and i tried my best to open my eyes
wide so that they wouldnt spill over.

and the worst part is that
i was sitting beside my dad.
so i really didnt want to
express any sort of emotions
such as crying over my darling orlando bloom's plight
and panting over the fact that he's so damn hot
that i was practically having hot flushes in my seat.

can you feel my pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh wells.
when you watch it for yourself.
you'll get it.
sk, dont even bother.
you'll hate the ending.
you will.
trust me, you'll feel like crying
all the way past the credits and out of the cinema.
just like me.

and connie blogged about me.
in the sweetest way possible.
i didnt even think she'd ever do that.
we've known each other for 8 years already.
the longest friendship in f7.
we have hated and loved each other.
so many years of drama.
(just ask anyone)
we should write a book.
i really hope, there will be another 8 years.
and more.
that'd be really cool connie.
can you imagine?
and you know i love you.
no matter how big a bitch i can be.
and we all know that sara can be HUGE bitch.
i love connie!

spoke at : 5:54 AM

Friday, May 25, 2007

i'm here to blog about my birthday.

what can i say.
dark chocolate.

i really thought that it would kinda be a quiet day.
school till about 6.
then perhaps meet sk for

should have known better than to think that
f7 would let my seventeeth birthday pass
without a bang.

they all showed up.
just as sk and i started to dig into our
creamy chicken.

its amazing how
we are always surprised when we are surprised
on our birthday.
even though after 17 years of celebrating birthdays.
you'd ought to know better.

i love my f7 family.

and i know how hard it is
to get 7 busy teenagers
to gather on a thursday night.
virtually impossible.
but yet it happened.
like it always does.

it doesnt matter who came late,
or who left early.
what really mattered was that one perfect moment,
when all of us were together.
its just the nicest feeling in the world.
it really is.
thanks f7.
you guys have no idea what that fews hours meant to me.
more than you'll ever know.

oh and nat,
thanks for the sheep.
and the duck.

My empty promises
Led to our demise
And I could never tell you how I really feel
And for that I eternally apologize

spoke at : 9:41 AM

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

There is no refuge from confession but suicide;
and suicide is a confession.

-Daniel webster

is that like one of the coolest quotes ever or what.
i know its like really morbid and
horrible to start blogging about suicide quotes like
2 and a half hrs away from my birthday.
but i just happened to be reading a book, and i found this quote.

anyway. this book is morbid anyway.
its by judy picoult.
i'm sure you would find the name familiar.
she writes rather morbid books.
i need to expand my vocab.
cant keep using morbid.

just in case you wanna know more.
this book is about this 2 teenagers.
who knew each other since like forever.
grew up together.
fell in love.
like true love.

but one day.
their parents got a call from the hospital
they tried to kill themselves.
the girl died.
but the guy lived.

so now everyone is trying to find out the truth.
was it really a suicide pact gone wrong?
or a murder attempt.

and i really pity chris.
the guy.
he really really loved her.

let me show you an extract.

"you fell,' he said simply. "You're gonna be okay."

Emily's eyes filled with tears. "i'm scared,' Where's my mom?'

"Coming,' he said, 'but i'm here now."

He leaned closer, awkwardly slipping his arms around her. He let his eyes drift shut and decided that in that instant that for the rest of Emily's life,
he would be her guardian angel.

like damn sweet right.

too bad she's dead.

cant help thinking that nat likes the quote.
maybe. do you nat?
well. look at it carefully.
hits you,
doesnt it?

and bp is like probably thinking that we're
both crazy and sucidal.
but she's used to it.
and so she'll just roll her eyes
and give a rude chuckle.
oh wells.

moving to brighter issues.

i dont feel like moving on to brighter issues.

know what.
even though i'm blogging now.
which shows that i have a bit of spare time.
i really dont.

i dont have time anymore.
this isnt even my time.
it doesnt belong to me.
i should either be trying to revise
or sleeping.
and let me tell you.
i really need to sleep.
its all i think about other than getting As
but never seem to get enough.

i have no time for anything.
none at all.
except probably one day.
on weekends.
thats all thats left of sara.

once a week.
on saturday.

i'm going to bed.
i'm too sleepy.
and if i dont sleep now.
i'll spend the whole of tomorrow regretting.

good night.

Let us embrace, and from this moment vow an eternal misery together.

spoke at : 6:44 AM

Saturday, May 19, 2007

oh god.

i'm going to kill myself.

i spent hours.

literally hours building my

perfect dream house

on sims.

and somehow.

thanks to one wayward click

of the stupid mouse.

i lost it all.

i knew it.

i should have followed my instincts

when it told me to save when i built my house.

but i stubbonly decided that

it could wait.


learn this important lesson from me.

save everything while you can.

i need to bang my head against the wall.


and to top it all of.

thanks to my addiction to the game,

i forgot when was the last time i took my medication.


i hate losing track of the time.

everything must be precise!!!!!

damn damn.

wanted to do so many things today.

and in the end.

didnt even get to do one.


so sk,

did you stay over at connie's place?

dont think i'll be seeing you this weekend.



maybe next week then.

dont forget about me okayy.


wasted my day away today.

filled with regrets.

perhaps tomorrow will be better.

going with my uncle to buy speakers.




it was my sis's birthday today.

i took one photo.

and thats the one above.

i haven put it up yet.

but i just know that if i upload it,

it will end up on the top of the post.



thats all.

and i miss hubbs.

oh wow.

just look at the picture.


i just uploaded it.

its slanted.



my sis is rather cute.


except that she looks

quite bad in this hot.
oh wells.
its the only one i took.

happy birthday ann.
anticipate many more years of
horrid horrid school.

spoke at : 10:14 AM

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Brightest of the faded stars.

tainted glory,

it could only be me.

things are relatively good in school.

my patience level has been so stretched

to unbelieveable heights

that i think i'll never be the same again.

one minute she's so trying,

next second,

the sweetest angel.

i should accept my fate

and take this period as a

chance to improve my tolerance level

in order to be a better nurse.

did well for my tests.

i should be happy i suppose.

i should be.


i am.


i didnt got to school today.

woke up with the

most disgusting feeling in my throat.

so went to the doctor.

throat infection.


antibiotics, anti-inflammatory pills, flu pills

and fever pills.

one might think i'm some

pathetic little weakling.

geez, it just a sore throat.

no matter though.

not gonna take

most of the medicine.


i just wanted an excuse to pon school.


besides, constant relience

on medication will increase your chances

of buliding an immunity towards it.

what if the next time i really have

some sort of flesh eating bacteria

and no antibiotics can ever cure me.


its called long term health planning!

one must learn to be streetsmart like me.


my mum bought me the sweetest looking

marshmellow lolipop.

its damn freaking cute really.

i'll never eat it.


and i caught an ant.

not any, ordinary looking ant.

its called a trap jaw ant.

(went to research online)

its the animal with the fastest organ in the world.

record breaking.

its pincers

are HUGE.

and i caught it.

took me half an hour.

i have photos.


not very clear though.

cause its trapped inside the plastic container.

spoke at : 9:53 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

its monday again.
no wait.
that was yesterday.
todays tuesday.
alph's birthday.
the second most impt day next to may 24.

which of course is THE most important day.

the world just wont be complete with out it.
oh shut up.

i'm so annoying.

wish me luck for my bio test.
had it yesyerday.
didnt really study for it.
all in all,
if you really count the hours that
i spent studying.
(staring at the same page for an hr
does not count at all)
it would be a total of about 1 and a half hrs.

i hope i pass.

amd to top off this regular shitty week.
i have my pft tomorrow.
if i'm lucky, maybe i'll
contract acute appendix tonight,
then i'l have to go for a minor operation.
that will let me off sports and wellness for the rest of the year.
obviously den i wont be able to
run the 2.4 tomorrow.

you must be thinking,
thats not too bad right?

lets just give you a rough idea of
how pathetic my level of
physical fitness is now.

i ran for the bus today.
(yes, i'm one of those losers who run like hell after the bus. guess i'm not that cool. haha.)
and luckily, someone informed the bus driver that i was running behind.
and he kindly waited for me.

just for sprinting that 40metres,
i panted on the bus for like
3 whole minute.
i actually felt faint.

for running after a bus.
can u even begin to imagine what
the 2.4 will do to me?
i dont even want to think about it.


we will let tomorrow worry for itself.
like i said.
something could crop up.

temporary stall.
heavy rains?

long term stall.
i fracture my leg due to slipping and falling in the heavy rain?

i faint halfway while doing the first lap, and that will solve my problem
of completing the 2.4.

how unlikely.

stop fussing like a girl, sara.
suck it up like a man!
one two. one two.

i should really go bathe.
i did earlier.
but i wanna do it again.
i suspect i have ocd.
obsessive complusive disorder.


spoke at : 5:18 AM

Saturday, May 12, 2007

met up with f7 yesterday.
didnt k like we planned though.
decideded to just go slack in town.
ate in this place in far east.
i like the food there.
ate my beef hor fan.
damn nice.
but after we left the place,
our clothes all reeked
of the oil fumes.
and we smelled like
i suppose i'm the only one
who noticed it.
since i'm sort of obsessive complusive
over these kinda things.

didnt really know where to go after that.
went to cine to chcck out
those room things
that you can book by the hour.
but since we were in our school
everything was kinda restricted for us.

had the weirdest, most
freakiest episode in the lift.
you see.
we were going up to the
level where people play lan.
(wasnt really paying attention to what level it was)
the lift was pretty crowded.
you know how cine is
on a weekend.
as each level passes,
the crowded in the lift
soon it was only us.
the lift door opened
at this level.
and this guy came in.
he was dressed really poorly,
for someone in town.
like in some worn looking
"uncle" polo tee,
and slippers.
i think he had glasses on.
and he was holding a newspaper.
all in all, he looked like the
typical exaggerrated perv
you see on tv.

he stepped really slowly into the lft.
and instead of facing the door like how normal people
do when they get into lifts, he faced us.
and we were all
plastered at the various corners of the lift
just staring at him
in silence.
and when the lift door closed,
he started smiling at us.
and his hand slowly reached to his crotch area.
i swear,
all of us just held our breaths.
it was like watching a sick movie in slow motion.
we were just waiting to
see if what we all thought
of him from the minute he stepped into the lift.
was true.

the atmosphere in the lift
was damn tense man.
can you imagine.
all eyes were looking at the crotch direction.
no one uttered a single word.
all the while
the sick guy
was grinning happily at us.

would have dearly loved to see the outcome,
but sadly.
the lift came to stop at our level
and so
when the door finally opened
we rushed out.
didnt even get a final glimpse of the pervert
cause he was swallowed up
by the crowded that entered the lift.

for a moment before the lift door opened,
i thought that he was going to block out exit.
and prevent us from going out.
but of course not.
since we dashed past him
and all
of us automatically made a
right turn into the toilet area
threw ourselves against the walls
and burst out laughing.

he was such a sicko honestly.
i supposed if it had only
been one or two of us in the lift
we would have been petrified.
but since it was 6 of us.
it was more funny
than anything else.

oh wells.

we did more things after that.
like went to ben and jerrys and all.
but since i have to go study
(i have a test tomorrow)
i need to stop here.
plus shaoye wants me to send her the photos in my fone.
bye bye.

spoke at : 10:29 PM

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

i can finally use this shit.
i swear.
my com has been infected with some
virus thing.
and i couldnt use the com for days.
its been horrible.
not being able to express myself.

and i suddenly recall
one incident when i was involved in a
class debate during english lesson.
and i was suppose to argue
that blogging is bad.
i take it back.
totally take it back.
even though my team won.
and i got best speaker.
i'm sorry.
i take it all back!!!!!!!!
i love blogger!!!!!!!!!!


and so.
i have a face test tomorrow.
i have to get A for it.
i have to.
but i honestly think that i wont.
i know i'll pass.
i just wont get an A.

oh wells.
when it comes to accepting the
i've become an expert on it.
all in my scope.

i'm supposed to be preparing for my test.
but i figured that since i've spent my whole
day in school.
i need to destress.
personal time you know.
very important.

someone in school
is driving me insane.
totally insane.
but i cant express it.
i just cant.
cause she's like.....
its just impossible.
and so.
when i meet up with you guys,
please take it all into stride
if i have a verbal vomit
about her.
i have to bitch about her.
obviously, since her skin
is so thick
that every sarcastic comment
that accidentally slips out of my mouth
just bounces of her.

this is all.
meet yukai and sk.
for but a few precious minutes.
too tired you see.
but nevermind.
friday is coming.
just after tomorrow.
then i can see you guys again.
i just live for the weekends.

and one more thing.
i'm sorry for your loss.
but now, you have one more angel
to look out for you up there.

thats it.
i'm done.
bye bye.

why do you look like a man,
who's discovered a diamond,
in a heap of shattered glass.
when all i am after all,
is shattered glass.

spoke at : 5:05 AM

Thursday, May 03, 2007

my internet's up again.

not that it mattars.
i haven had time to use the com this
week anyway.

but i did watch this movie on tv.
i have no idea what the title is.
but its damn freaking nice.
not romantic
or whatever.
and there are no cute guys.
all girls.

but its not a girl power show either.

now you must be wondering.
so why the hell would sara
like a show,
that has no cute guys, is not a girlpower show,
and is not even funny?

its a weird movie.
about this suicidal girl
who was sent into
a private mental hospital.
its damn good.

she was like the sanest person there.

but she made friends with them.

and the best part was,
at some point,
she didnt want to leave the place.

the whole show is like morbid.
i was so fascinated with the plots
and characters,
that i couldnt even bare to go to the toilet.
and the movie was on cable.
as you know.
no advertisments.

i'm so sure nat will love it.
its just so interesting.
nat, you should watch it.

i'm craving for some
familiar company.
bp, hubbs....angie..
where are you all??

i think i shall call sk and ask her where she is.
she went to watch spiderman with dylan and zhiyi.
oh wait.
let me find out what the title of the movie.

angelina jolie,
and brittany murphy.
and whoopi goldberg

checked it out.
its "girl, interupted".

go watch it.
or maybe not.
not everyone will like it.

oh well.
shall stop here.

I'm done, there's nothing left to show
I try but can't let it go
Are you happy where you're standing still?
Do you really want the sugar pill?

spoke at : 11:36 PM


F-5 :)


singing in the bathroom
romance novels! :)
shopping or window shopping
hubby :D
orlando bloom
nichlas tse

adopt your own virtual pet!





May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
October 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
November 2008
December 2008


BP. :)

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