Thursday, August 30, 2007
Just woke up from a nice nap.
but the waking up part was slightly scary.
you know how when you fall asleep during the evening,
when its all still bright?
then when you wake up,
you find yourselves in total darkness.
and before you're properly awake,
the darkness and aloneness of it all
just grips you in this sudden cold fear, you feel like you can't breathe for a spilt second?
well, it happens to me all the time.
mainly cause no one is home till about 10 plus at night,
so theres no body to turn on the lights.
it happened to me again.
i woke up lazily,
but froze when i saw that my whole house was in darkness.
and just when i was trying to controll the my facial expression,
(i try to act nonchalant when i'm scared, so that whatever i'm scared of doesnt notice)
the phone rang.
and its really creepy when the phone rings shrilly in an empty dark house.
its funny how so many terrifying thoughts can squeeze themselves into your head
during the single second it takes
to walk to the table to pick up the phone.
and the best part was when i answered,
there was no one on the line.
let me tell you.
my heart stopped for a minute.
it really felt like something from a horror film.
so i just slammed down the phone.
making sure that i muttered curses loudly
trying to feign annoyance and irritation,
when all i fell like doing was screaming my lungs outs.
sometimes i think that before i die of lung, brain or liver cancer,
i'm going to die of fright first.
just like those people in the ring movie.
oh why did i have to remind me self of that.
i'm still alone at home by the way.
and if the phone rings now.
i swear i'm going to have a heart attack.
lemme think.
i cant wait for the weekend.
i'll be having a quite lil getway with f7.
a chalet and bbq in sentosa.
with my parents there of course.
but then again,
sentosa is quite a big island.
nat, i would like to ask you to come along.
just you.
cause i like being surrounded by all my favourite people.
(but oil and water dont mix)
and with sk and i there, we'll have a blast.
this way, i get the best of both worlds.
please say you'll come.
i'm supposed to be researching
dengue haemorrhage fever, iv and blood products and transfusions.
have to prepare for my lesson tomorrow.
but i'm sulking.
while everyone has a half day due to teacher's day celebrations,
and get to leave work at 1030,
i have to return to school for lessons from 8-5.
like its almost incredible.
the injustice of it all.
oh god.
i'm hearing thumping sounds from the ceiling.
fuck it all.
let me play music.
fuck fuck fucketty fuck.
i've lost my mood to blog.
i shall be focused,
and do my research.
spoke at : 6:40 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Someone who matters the world to me said this,
"wouldn't the world be a happier place if all the sad people died,
and only the happy people lived."
And yes.
I agree.
Doesnt it make sense?
But the more i thought of it,
the more complicated that simple phrase seemed.
(i have a habit of doing that to myself, complicating my thoughts.)
You see.
Sad people must be the loved ones of happy people.
(Almost everyone loves someone.)
I'm sure if all the sad people died (assuming that there are either only sad or happy people)
the happy people would soon turn sad.
And they'd died.
Then there would be a unstoppable chain reaction
of heartbreak and death.
Not so simple huh?
but yea.
I wish only happy people lived.
spoke at : 9:26 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Another stretch of 5 endless days,
that bleed you so dry,
that weekends literally feel like you've died and gone to heaven.
Thats when you realise it sunday night,
and you're back on the wheel of reincarnation.
but whatever.
its really not so bad.
i have been having a really nasty bout of
insomnia recently.
like, its so bad, that i actually cant even take afternoons
naps on a drowsy, sleepy sunday afternoon.
which by the way, is the mother of all days to take afternoon naps.
and the simple joy of it has been taken away from me.
not to mention the involuntary wide eyed night vigils.
i really hate those.
and i have no idea why i cant sleep.
Rationally, i'm reasonably carefree now.
No exams, no social problems.
work is exhausting, true, but not dreadful.
Everything is fine.
so like what the fuck.
i told my mum about it.
and i asked her if she could get me sleeping pills.
i knew i shouldnt have said that.
cause it resulted in a verbal avalanche from my mother that went something like that:
"How many times have i told you that sleeping pills
open doors to many other problems that are far worst that not being abled to sleep."
"I've had insomnia for so many years already and yet you dont see me taking sleeping pills."
(At this point i'm thinking about all the 6 hour day naps she takes on her off days, but decide to keep my mouth shut.)
"Ever since i had your sister, i have had trouble sleeping."
(Hmmm. 7 years. Simple calculation. Was tempted to point out the fact having SEVEN YEARS of insomnia could not longer be called insomnia, but A WAY OF LIFE.but i kept my mouth shut.)
At this point, i think she realises that she's not really raising my interest, and tries to get my attention by using the "Envy Approach".
"I work in a Psychiatric ward, and i know so many doctors. I can have all the sleeping pills i want...."
(Here i'm thinking, just get to the point,.... and she does... ...)
"But instead, i'm looking into Traditonal Medicine. (Taaa dahhh) I just went to a Sin Seh yesterday, and the minute i walked in, i knew she was skilled."
She goes on enthusiasthically about her beloved chinese medicine.
"That lady took one look at me, and told me that i was having hormonal imbalance."
(For one moment, i almost had no wisecrack ready in my head. Then i recovered and thought that the day i walk into a clinic and some one can diagnose that i have hormonal inbalance by just looking at my face. I'd kill myself.)
I seriously cant believe my mum admires chinese medicine so much that she totally took no offense at that comment.
Its like having a Slimming brouchure waved in your face.
Like hello Mother! That bitch just insulted you while hiding behind a medical facade. Doesnt that bother you?
And this whole conversation took place while we were walking home from ntuc, with me lugging the bloody heavy marketing trolley behind me, and my mum carrying the featherlite cereals and cupnoodles. and of course my dear father, who carried the most,
his very own handphone and wallet.
Being hot, sweaty, insomniaic and sulky about having been denied access to sleeping pills, i was in a understandably mean mood and wanted to aggreviate my mother.
Allow me the pleasure in showing you how i did it.
(I threw the inccident, - about my nasty case of ezcema which didnt go away despites 2 trips to a recently opened chinese medicine clinic, which charged outrageous prices for revolting tasting sachets of grinded grass and insect cocoons, yes, insect cocoons, which i mixed in hot water and drank, but did a fat lot of good so we turned to the Western Doctor who gave me steriods, and made the ezcema clear like magic(okayy, its not all gone, but much better) - back into her face.)
"Ya please. Skillful. Like the bloody shit chinese doctor you made me see for my eczema.Make me drink that shit for nothing. Damn skillful sia.Give me Doctor Lee Wee any day, at least he's cute."
(Reminded of this episode, my mum gets slightly embarassed, but hides it well in an attempt to draw me back onto the chinese side.)
"Yes, i agree. Now we know that doctor is a quack la. We wont know until we try mah."
(ya, try on me.thanks ah.)
"Anyway, now i'm going to continue seeing that lady lor. You know she's that kind that one look and you get the feeling that she's damn good at what she does lor."
And to really irritate her, i gave a loud snort. Of the disbelieving variety.
In which she turns desperate and began using cheap underhand tactics like........
"I dont know why, i'm feeling so tired and sleepy. so stoned. I really have to go home and sleep. i think its the chinese medicine i took, but i told the lady not to give me sedatives what. Dont know why..."
Notice she tried to entice me with the hidden promise of sedatives?
Talk about desperate right?
I think this post has gone on long enough.
the point is that,
chinese medicine is a waste of time,
and its only good for loser sicknesses
like flu and migranes.
for the real shit dieseases like
cancer and dengue and SARS ,
we all know that everyone turns to Western Medicine.
But anyway.
Despite having never ending tug of war,
unreasonable debate sessions with my mum,
she's still the best mummy ever.
And she taught me how to cook beef stew that day.
which i think i promptly forgot how to cook, the day after.
but , point is,
Our alienish mother-daughter relationship is rather nice.
you think?
spoke at : 3:52 AM
Friday, August 17, 2007
know something?
i'm starting to get a wee bit more wary about
what i say on my blog.
you know.
since i forgot to mention it the last time.
rmb in the previous post?
the one when my mum was all "cheapo cheapo'?
that day,
i found out something from her.
like 2 years ago or something,
someone called my mum at work to tell her to
go read my blog.
That person was like all, "Your daughter sounds very disturbed, and i think she need help.... etc."
like wth right?
apparently no damaged was done since my mum claims to have never set foot in my blog.
but then again..
one can never be too sure with mothers.
i almost started hyperventaliting when my mum
rattled out my blog address smoothly.
(i was taunting her you see. haha like "i bet you're just pretending you know, if you're so smart say la! say la!")
and wow.
look what you get for giving in to childish whims.
but what seriously gets at me is that stupid, nasty kaypo woman.
like who are you.
come on, 2 years back...
i cant even remember what i blogged about.
no doubt i had some major angsty posts once in awhile.
but did i sound like i really needed professional help?
i was what, sec 2, 3?
stupid kaypo horrid woman.
like how could you actually call my mum up?
how did you even get her number?
You seem to have loads of time on your hands huh?
well, just so you know, i turned out fine.
and if after 2 years, you're still reading my blog,
you're the one who needs to seek professional help.
creepy isnt it?
and all this while i thought no one but my close friends would be bothered to know my thoughts.
but think about it.
if she did go to my blog.
and if she has my number.
means she most likely has yours too.
so... maybe all your mums know your blogs!
maybe i should have the password thing on my blog.
who knows my mum might be reading this now.
hi mum.
i thought you said you'd never set foot in my blog?
paranoia isnt pretty.
and i'm starting to sound freaky.
and nat, i've obediently responded to your
command, yes command to update.
bring your cam out the next time okay.
i would like my picture taken.
"I would like my picyure taken."
i liked saying that.
kayy bye.
good luck with ur papers.
knowing you,
you wont need it.
i'll be waiting for you in ttsh!
spoke at : 5:42 AM
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

and these are just the front few photos in my phone.
i had plans to post up like more pics.
i think its kinda due to me
being an un techonology savvy person.
i'm like limited to five images on my blog.
i know there's a way of getting around that.
come on.
just look at connie's blog,
so obviously,
i'm lacking quite abit of image uploading info.
so yupp.
know what sucks?
i have to work longer shifts everday in the hospital
to make up for the fridays that i'll miss when i go back to school
for some competition training.
sara participating in a competition.
pigs can fly.
but i'm somehow just counting on the fact
that they'll probably
let me go halfway through the training.
(they have to keep dropping people, selecting only the best)
so that i wont have to play the irresponsible,
unabled-to-cope-with-stress bad student role.
you see.
i just want the prestiege of being able to "claim" that i was
"trained for the world skills compeition"
i dont actually wanna participate.
since apparently the lecturers say that
its an honor to be chosen
and just to be have been trained for it, will get u a job in any hospital.
which i assume will be able to get me into poly.
and guess what just happended.
my mum is unbelievably annoying.
she came up from behind me
whilst i was typing away.
and so i stopped immediately
and cranned my neck to face her.
(so that i can keep an eye on her, since it would be blatantly rude to minimize the screen.)
and she asked me to take my chinese medicine.
(which i was hoping that she'd forget all abt reminding me)
and so this was how it went.
"Take your chinese medicine."
(me, slightly flustered. since i'm talking about work and sch, which i hate discussing in front of my parents)
"HAH. ya ya. i haven forgotten la."
"i didnt ask you if you remember. i'm telling you to take."
(and her eyes starts darting to the screen)
"Ya ya okayy. i'm going. i'm going."
(it gets really weird at this point. cause she starts openly shifting her eyes from me to behind me, which is the screen. and i get more nervous and start cranning and twisting my neck harder. just so that she'll get my body language and know that i'm watching her.)
(so i start grasping for straws, hoping to distract her.)
"So. Where's kor? he's not back yet?"
"no.." (and i know she's still peeking. i can so tell!!!)
"ohh.. so where is he?" (and i'm breaking into that "am chio" face cause i'm trying so hard not to break out in nervous laughter)
but i guess i failed.
cause she looked at me and went.
"why? Why you laughing?"
"huh.. no la. cause you keep looking at my screen" i say sheepishly.
and you know what she said to me after that??
it was like damn ANNOYING.
she went damn loudly and crudely for a mother of 3 children.
"What. You think i trying to read ah. DONT BE SO CHEAPO LA."
and she walks off. repeating "CHEAPO, CHEAPO."
can you imagine how irritated i must be feeling right now?
i'm like flabbergasted that my mother would ever say such a thing.
but if it werent so rudely shocking.
it would be quite funny.
but anyway.
i just know that somewhere deep inside.
she's so dying to read my blog.
like which mum wont want to know the inner most thoughts
of their elusive teenage daughter.
too bad.
she can hide the facade of beiing indifferent and nonchalant.
going so far as to call me CHEAPO. (like i still cant get over that. wth. how was my actions in anyway cheapo?)
i know she's lying.
that has just spoiled my bloggy mood.
and i shall stop here.
oh shit.
she's back.
and OMG.
i have to stop.
go to the kitchen and settle with her.
its quite funny actually.
fuck sia.
spoke at : 6:15 AM
Saturday, August 04, 2007
my blog has been so abandoned
that its really disgusting.
and i think connie is right.
my stupid doll is like dead.
let me see.
how do i go about reviving it?
or should i even bother?
i know i should update.
but honestly,
once you start comparing
all that you see in the hospitals with
the minor, petty grievances that
i sprout on my blog,
suddenly, its like my piorities have changed.
blogging just doesnt hold the same appeal
as it once did.
but i will still update.
its really nasty to see my blog like...
cause i feel..
i said it.
i really hare looking at empty tagboards.
know what.
i just realised something.
my sister has been attending swimming lessons
for almost 2 years now.
and she still cant swim.
is that like the saddest thing you've ever heard or what.
and needless to say.
i had the time of my life poking fun at her during breakast.
i told her that the next time i go swimming
with her,
i'll throw her right in the middle of the deep pool.
and she'll have no choice but to learn how to swim
and i told her that she'd better learn how to swim by secondary school.
otherwise she'll never get to go "tanning" in sentosa with her friends. haha.
and i ended it with a
i'm so mean la.
i really cant stand myself.
but thats what happens when i'm couped up too long.
i'm really hunting for a shopping buddy today.
but no one seems to be free.
like damn.
and why the hell does nat keeping signing in and out of msn.
its damn annoying to see her window keep popping out.
they are showing girl interupted again on national day.
dunno what time though.
i think i'm gonna watch it again.
i watched the trailer,
and it seems more scary than the actual movie.
but whatever.
movies about crazy girls rock.
right nat?
wanna go shopping with me?
wait let me ask you online.
i watched disturbia yesterday.
its really good.
for a murder film.
the level of tension in the movie will just kill you.
i was dying in my seat.
and alph was murmuring like an idiot.
"i hate this kind of stupid show."
cause he was dying from the tension also.
and the ending is not too bad.
and some parts of it is actually funny too.
not bad at all.
u should go watch it.
i'm bored with blogging.
so i'll stop here.
bye bye.
spoke at : 10:46 PM