Thursday, October 18, 2007
okayy people.
i have stuff to blog about.
gross, queasy, hair raising stuff.
if you're squeamish, and wish to retain whatever's left
of your good image of me in your mind,
then i suggest you dont read this.
because i'm about to reveal how disgusting the real sara is.
just to whet your appetite up for the real thing,
i shall tell you about my brother's abnormal, borderline psychotic reaction
when he came home from work yesterday.
you see.
he's currently having his week of attachment
as the A&E Emergancy department.
and while i was using the computer yesterday,
eagerly trying out my new game
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 (okayy, i know thats abit slow)
my brother came prancing into the room.
Fresh home from the ER,
with a excited smile on his face.
"Hey hey look, look!!"
(he waves wildy at me, trying to get my attention.)
and i turned reluctantly from my game, and look at what i saw,

Your guess is correct!
Thats blood alright.
and he got its sprayed all over his uniform.
on his shirt, and pants,
and he even turned to the back and showed me the additional sprays
well, coming from a family of nurses, and also due to the fact that i
was too engrossed in choosing the colour of balloons in my theme park,
i didnt even bother to ask him how he got vandalized by blood.
however, even if i did, (which i swear i dont), i cant possibly blog about it.
since its like breaching the "code of confidenciality" (however you spell the word).
so too bad peeps.
no gruesome, bloody juicy murder story.
and just for your information,
i wasnt the one who took the pictures of the bloodstains.
my over excited brother did.
with my phone.
guess what just happened awhile back that was responsible
for my sudden urge to blog.
less than 20 mins ago (okayy, might have been abit longer than that since it took me while to do the pictures and shit.)
while i was in my own room,
happily minding my own business.
i heard my mother exclaim loudly from the kitchen.
And that soon followed by an expected,
and i was like "oh fuck, what did i do."
and i sat for awhile, trying to rapidly recall my microwave history over the past few days.
but to my avail, i couldnt for the life of me remember using the microwave recently.
anyways, i rose heavily from my chair, sighing and being all "resigned to my fate".
and when i got to the kitchen, my mum and dad were just both standing there.
looking at me with an unreadable expression.
sort of like they didnt know how and what to think.
it was quite a funny moment.
but i was used to these kinda situations.
so i went over to the oven and cautiously pressed the open button,
making sure to keep utmost distance and held my breath.
and when the oven door sprung open
(all went deathly still for a moment).
and i peered at the object on a plate, narrowing my eyes and scrutinizing it.
take a look at what i saw.
and try to figure it out for yourself.

can you tell what is is?
i think not.
it was like that for me too.
only until my mother went very disgustedly
"i think its a sausage."

i know the pictures arent very clear.
but they will have to do.
do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to reach my hand into the microwave to snap pictures of that?
they are sauages.
left to gather mould for many many days,
kinda looks like thsoe chicken cheese sticks from burger king huh?
used to be my favourites.
oh wells.
i'll just leave you to digest this.
hope you've eaten dinner.
or if you haven.
hope you're not the sqeamish type.
(by the way. this post was pretty old. but i never got ard to posting it till now. but whatever. haha .)
spoke at : 7:01 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
i didnt have school today.
due to some shit my school won.
and instead of going out and making use of this holiday.
i've been rotting in front of my com for hours.
hooked onto that darn facebook.
do i not have life or what.
its raining.
here i am killing time.
more more hour to go before my korean show starts.
just to get you all updated about school.
changed class.
and it not a routine change.
like they just picked me up and placed me into another random class.
and so,
along with my two other friends, amanda and sui sui
we went in search of our new classmates.
cant say i'm totally bummed about changing class.
i'm quite glad to leave some annoying people really.
anyways, doesnt matter where i go.
i'm getting out in one and a half years.
im bored.
and i have nothing interesting to say.
so i'll spare you guys and stop here.
im on fire and now i think i'm ready to bust a move.
spoke at : 2:37 AM
Friday, October 12, 2007
I stared at the Sun.hey hey!
my brother is out.
and i have my chance to grab these few miserable hours
before the
computer hogger hogs the com agaain.
i was supposed to have been blogging 2 hours ago.
when i first came online.
i decided to sign into face book, where i got hooked on
to superpoking people, biting them, pirating etc for like 2 hours.
i swear.
facebook is a good for nothing,
complete waste of time,
thats just so addictive and fun,
that you cant help but love it.
forget friendster people!
thats a thing of the past!
face book is the new phase!!!
(no pun intended, haha)
i had fun yesterday.
fun fun fun.
managed to catch the movie resident evil :extinction
it was Goooooooood.
i mean for a typical bad babe wielding, gun shooting, zombie chewing movie.
it was good.
but beware of your foul language people.
based on personal experience.
cause i sure couldnt help but blurt out the f word
every other minute or so.
it got quite embarrassing.
throughout the whole what, 2 hour movie? i was like :
"fuck la!"
"woah. That asshole is a fucker sia."
"Bloody fucking coward!"
"Omg.. OMG. FUCK
i swear.
my language was that dirty.
its just something that the movie does to you.
makes you all involved and intense.
oh wells.
go catch it if you can.
its not bad.
thats all for this post.
Dont stare at the sun.Because when you turn away,you're blind to everything else.
spoke at : 8:10 AM
Friday, October 05, 2007
and so.
i've been busy the past two days.
trying to squeeze as many activities as i possibly can in my days.
make the most of my two weeks.
and i'm loving every single moment of it.
went nyp yesterday.
it was sk's dance showcase day.
unsurprisingly so, she shone like a beacon.
anyone can tell, just by looking at the way she dances,
the myriad of expressions across her face,
how much she loves dancing.
She was literally living for that moment.
and watching her preen, pout and pose
as she grooved,
put a big smile on my face.
Our very own Dancing Doll.
Nat and i left soon after her performance.
There were many other groups that were waiting for their turn to perform.
and since we'd already seen sk dance,
we didnt see a point in staying to watch anyone else, since they'd be
merely mediocre compared to her.
plus she had some group supper thing afterwards.
so we went on our way to meet vanesa and cheryl
who were already in town having dinner.
nat and i had a miniscule tiff about taking the mrt imstead of the bus.
and she ended up sulking for half of the journey.
but i managed to distract her out of her mood by
taking photos of my handphone keychain with my phone.
so we met them and spent ages looking for something to eat.
not that there wasnt enough food in taka.
but the problem was that we were spoilt for choice.
went to lido to slack.
we sat there and just talked
and talked
and talked.
till the wee hours of the morning.
we were talking about the
Calli Too.
and we were all giving involuntary shudders
and rubbing away all the goosebumps that rose.
In conclusion.
She still sucks big time.
The face of Evil constantly changes yet remains the same.
We were so engrossed in our recounting of the past that we forgot the time.
but my dad and to remind us
with his blasted phone call.
"where's my Filet O fish?"
like does my phone number resemble the macdonald's hotline to you?
Like hello.
Haven you heard that macdonalds has gone 24 hours?????????
some people really need to get out more often.
you see.
i gulibly went over to nat's house that day.
thinking to spend a relaxing, fun day with her, sasha and shanna.
but i foolishly failed to foresee the hidden dangers.
and got attacked by an
unstoppable ferocious beast called "Shanna long"
Apparently, the cousins' idea of fun
was to torture me.
so while i was innocently perched on the bed.
shanna lounged at me and began jabbing at my ribs
and scratching away at my feet.
it was pure agony.
and all the while,
and posted it on you fucking tube.
like how sick is that!!!
i tell you.
they were
HAVING THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES. watching me suffer as
i gasp for breaths in between screams and involuntary laughter.
and obviously the video of me was totally unflattering,
with me screaming my head off and flinging myself all over the bed.
in stark contrast,
nat tooks obvious pains to stay out of the video completely.
that pig!
and my failed attempts to face the camera at her in the end
was just as it was.
Failed atempts.
The injustice of it all.
I know i can hardly stop yall from watching the video.
SO FEEL FREE.since nat has already nastily gone ahead and put the link on my tag board,
knowing that i'd be clueless as to how to remove it.
and i'm extremely freaked out by the few comments that were posted.
"Lol. i wanna tickle sara too."
the whole video (round one and two)
just has this
porn feelthats just gross.
enough said.
i dont think i can go on to describe anymore.
await my revenge!Justice will prevail!!!!!!!Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman.
spoke at : 11:22 PM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
is it just me?
or has the whole world gone ahead and gotten themselves
attached while i was buried up to my head in books, slaving away in school?
not just one person.
but we're talking about at least 3 people here buddy!
like what the hell happened to "Single is the way to go!!!"
oh kayy.
i'm starting to sound a little sourgrapes here.
But thats not true.
i'm not being selfish and nasty.
Its just that 3 people in a span of less than a week?
Come on!
Thats slightly too much, even for me to digest!
I must admit though, amidst all that
disbelief and indignation,
I am rather happy for all of you.
after all, the whole "i've found my better half thing"
is a rather happy occasion.
i sincerely hope you get all the perks
i read about in my storybooks.
ignore that last bit.
That was my perv side showing.
i guess the point of this post was not to reprimand anyone.
It more of focuses on me.
And how sometimes,
it feels like everyone else has the god given ability to move on,
except yours truly!!!
In like a whirlwind,
all my friends suddenly have boyfriends!!!
LIKE WHERE THE HELL IS MINE?!!!Not that i'm lamenting my boyfriendless state.
but i'm not exactly relishing it either you know.
and who's fault is that.
(pauses for a long moment, stares sulkily at the computer screen)
lets not point fingers here.
cause you know how the saying goes.
"when you point at someone, there are 4 other fingers pointing back at blab blah blah."
and so.
i guess i've just gotten an advance little expresso taste
of how an old maid feels.
when she's invited to all her best friends's weddings,
sitting near the stage, decked in all her grand finery, made affordable
by her single status, her make up and haircut achieving the desired effect,
making her look, confident, accomplished but completely untouchable.
Her smile is wide but does not quite seem to reach her eyes, she is careful not to smudge her lipstick.
She claps enthusiastically as the newlyweds approaches, and rises to offer
them a toast.
Her lips move, and graceful, pretty wellwishes flow like a song from her lips.
Inside however, she silently curses her own foolishness.
She should have guessed
what was inside that, innocent white envelope.
She should have thrown it away in the bin, like she usually did with
all the other bloody wedding invitations, before her mind could register
what the envelope contain, and her heart compelled her to attend those silly celebrations.
Again she mutters a low curse.
She was usually so careful, how could she have missed this one. she must be been blind.
Clenching her teeth and forcing another blinding smile, her manicured nails digging deeply into the soft flesh of her palms,
she rues the day when she puts herself through such hellish torture, ever again.
i'm being overly dramatic again.
but i got carried away.
not bed eh?
i'm stopping now.
i've decided to make a trip to the library.
its sad how all my happiness lies in afew paperback novels.
laughable really.
You're totally right.Every action was well rehearsed.
spoke at : 10:30 PM