Thursday, December 27, 2007
had a fufilling day today.
my brother and i met connie and her brother
for lunch in marina square.
shopped at zara.
got two more new tops.
the thing is, i bought two tops of the same design, just in different colour.
i know its rather silly, but i couldnt really find anything else
that i wanted that was my size the at the sale.
so i just decided to get both.
connie bought me a christmas present.
its a little tinkerbell pendant with the the word "Best"
attached to it.
and connie has an identical one that has the word "friends"
attached to it.
aint that sweet.
i love connie.
she's so cuckoo and dodo.
i've got that warm fuzzy feeling,
and i bet i sound crazy.
but you know what i mean.
we went for dinner with the church peeps too.
at botak jones.
they have the biggest serving in the world.
and my cajun chicken was so big, i think they fed it steriods
or something.
connie was saying myabe its like a dog or something.
i think it was an ostrich.
no suprises there when i could even consume half of my chicken,
even though the whole table got quite caught up
in the game of "Lets see who can clear their plates".
and gabriel started chanting" Eat Eat Eat" except that he sort of changed the pronounciation
and went "Yeat
Yeat Yeat !!!" instead.and the whole table sort of started doing it.
and there was this whole
"lets start shoving fries in our mouths" thing.
it was hilarious really.
we were all laughing and trying not to choke on our food or let it spew out
of our overstuffed mouths.
and even though connie was not a norm to the church people,
they kinda made her feel comfy i think.
as she was having the time of her life snapping pictures of the food and laughing
as she swung her scarf around madly.
i have to go.
my brother is trying not not rush me,
but pretending he actually as other things to do than
play WOW.
and trying to deny that he's GREATEST WISH is for me
i feel obliged to grant his most secret desire.
so toodles.
spoke at : 8:44 AM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
its boxing day today.
chistmas is over.
well, not exactly over, since there is the 12 days of christmas.
i just love christmas! love it!
i love the glitz and glamour of it. the pretty clothes and the
chocolates and sweets and the rich dinners,
and most of all, i love company amongst friends and family.
love love love!
been having busy busy few days.
i'm determined to enjoy myself as much as i can before my
holidays are over and its back to hospital hell for me.
with the new addition of the scariest lecturer to ever grace the hospital corridors.
i'm really dreading it.
but whatever.
if theres anything i'm good at,
its putting away unhappy thoughts and blocking them out.
i have to go soon.
going to catch a movie.
national treasure i think,
speaking of movies.
i watched "across the universe".
it was love story, that i expected.
but everything else about the movie, i totally
didnt expect.
the movie was like damn crazy.
bot bad crazy, more good crazy.
but the correct word would be psychedelic.
i swear.
its like a musical filled with all the old beatle classics and stuff.
nat would like it.
i think.
except for some of the weird boring bits.
like people dancing in water,
doing water acrobats, like butt naked.
that i swear, was damn weird.
thats all for now.
i got a ipod nano!!!
but the thing is, i swear, itunes is super user unfriendly.
i hate itunes.
oh wells.
i'm not the only ipod/itunes user.
any tips people?
and merry christmas!
you should never have said those, i'm determined to make them true.
spoke at : 10:25 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
i dont care if everyone thinks i'm ugly.
i dont care if everyone thinks i'm fat.
i dont care if everyone finds what i wear atrocious.
lately it seems like everyone's on a campaign to put me down.
demeaning comments, one after another.
Theres a limit to how much i can smile, laugh, then shrug it off.
Just because i dont cry infront of you, doenst mean i dont cry at all.
it doesnt mean i dont have feelings.
and it doesnt mean you have the right to keep putting me down.
Stop it.
or rather, if you have any esteem lowering comments to say about me.
Say it when i'm not around.
Because i'm sick of pretending i dont care.
and yes.
i'll admit.
i'm shallow and superficial.
i actually care about what people think of me.
i'm happy for you people if you dont.
its a good thing.
but personally,
i care.
but i know i'm good enough for my friends and family.
and so, i'm good enough for myself.
and if i'm not good enough for you,
it means you're not my friend.
so fuck off.
spoke at : 10:07 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
God.Oh is it that i never fail to embarrass myself.
i manage to do that all the time.
even when i'm minding my own business at home.
you see.
what just happened was that
i was trying on my new clothes. (went shopping yesterday)
and as usual, i was prancing around at home.
singing all the first two lines of all the christmas songs because somehow
i never remember pass the first two lines.
and i happened to be singing at the top of my lungs, and at some point,
i'd be adding my own lyrics or remixing the songs.
but all that was perfectly fine, in fact,
if yall know me, its almost normal.
but i really had to go ruin it all by
wanting to see how my black stockings would go
with my
green felt shoes.and my
green felt shoes happened to be outside the house in the shoe cupboard.
and as i was all caught up in the spirit of christmas,
too busy yelling christmas carols and running all over the house to think,
i ran to open the front door
all the while i was singing "this christmas"
(because that damned chris brown was just singing it on bloody mtv)
and just as i opened the front door i reached the part where the song went
"a very
special christmas indeed..."
and just at the part "
i flung my head, in an effort to make my hair
fling prettily and to emphasize the "special".
and the door fully opened at that very moment,
to reveal the neighbour's very cute 20 something year old son
whom i hardly see as
he was just released from national service
and overhearing my mother saying yetsterday,
is very busy in NTU.
(he was waiting for the lift.)
and let me tell you.
we just stared at each other for like
3 seconds..
bloody hell, if you actually sit back to count the seconds,
3 seconds is a bloody long time for 2 people to just
stare at each other
espcially ie one of them has been singing christmas carols
on the other side of the
totally not soundproof door for the past 15 mins.
and after that three seconds.
there was this
mad rush,
where he hurriedly turned himself away to face the lift,
and began sucking madly on his straw
which was attached to some God knows what drink.
and i totally mortified,
had to proceed to fetch my
green felt shoes from the cupboard clad in a big ragged home t shirt and black stockings.
you will never have any idea how embarrassed i was at the moment.
i mean.
what was i thinking.
going out to take something without first checking the peephole to see if
there was anyone outside.
and what must he have been thinking,
hearing someone howling christmas carols
in the middle of the afternoon, before seeing the front door yanked opened
only to reveal a stocking clad lunatic
in her home clothes digging for shoes in her cupboard.
fuck la.
i hope he doesnt relay this incident to his parents.
who already probably think i'm mad
since they are home more often and have caught me
in the midst of my maddness countless times already.
and i know
for sure now that no one is going to touch the fruit cake that
my mum is planning to give to the neighbours for christmas.
no one would dare.
oh wells.
thats all.
just had to justify to embarassment and comfort myself.
i mean.
now that you've read this.
if you were my neighbour,
you wouldnt think i was mad right?
since you know now that i had like
good reason for lookng like that.
i mean, i was trying on clothes!
i feel better now.
Remember peeps.
dont get carried away in the spirit of chirstmas,
or you might end up like me.
spoke at : 10:20 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Its been a busy busy week.
Filled with loads of ups and downs.
but the week's drawing to an end.
and school's officially over for me.
but i'll be gone for camp
for the next 3 days.
so i'll only be free on Sunday.
Who wants to ask me out.
i'm done.
Going to take my Ventolin to breathe easier.
then its bed for me.
spoke at : 7:58 AM
Monday, December 03, 2007
I'm so fucked.i studied for the wrong how?
let me tell you.
i'm done with studying.
instead, i'm gonna upload pictures of the fun i had today!
it was supposed to be my study day.
but happily, i met sk, zhiyi and girlfriend instead.
and we spent the whole day bumming!
sk and i went on a photo frenzy.
sadly though,
my china phone has extremely lousy photo quality.
so excuse me
if they look rather hazy.
thats the way it is.
well, if you want clearer shots, sk has more!!!
here goes!!!!!!
My girlfriend. Isnt she just the coolest?

Sk, ha! Cheeky you!

kayy.. thats just me.

and me, with messy hair.

and sk, GAMBLING!

She's so cute, LOVE HER TO BITS!

bp, girlfriend.

taking a picture, of taking a picture. hahaha.

thats us. void deck bums.

zhiyi!!! my hot fuckable!!!

me, me, me.

me being vain and silly.

i added this unglam shot, just so you'll know i'm not that vain. haha.

like what are you up to sk?


that abt sums up the day.
one person's missing though.
nxt week?
spoke at : 8:08 AM
Saturday, December 01, 2007
its sunday afternoon
and i havent even began studying.
why oh why has'nt the sense of urgency hit me yet?
like what am i waiting for?
went out the whole of friday.
sui sui accompanied me to ttsh settle some admin stuff.
we then proceeded to penny's where she introduced me
to some tradtional myammar cuisine.
its really good people.
she ordered some fried bean thing and fried myammar tofu
(which is totally unlike our normal tofu)
which we both shared.
then there was this beehoon soup dish
that was like nothing i've ever tasted in singapore.
it had like bits of banana tree branches in it.
and i was really amazed that tree branches could taste that good.
i wanted to play safe,
so i ordered a curry dish.
with butter rice.
did you know that myammar curry totally
doesnt make use of curry powder?
apparently they make use of chilli, fried onions and other stuff
to put the curry together.
savoury and spicy.
it was all really good.
now that i know where the place is,
we'll all go there sometime soon kayy?
went window shopping too.
with the help of my excellent fashion sense,
sui sui picked out a super nice top from
pull and bear.
and we promised to go shopping together
when money rolls in.
we caught a movie too.
and finished up the whole carton of popcorn between
the two of us.
thats a first for me.
fred claus was an okay movie.
you know how christmas movies go.
bits of it were funny and touching.
but what we found really funny was when
sui sui turned to me and ask if i could hear someone crying.
and i was thinking like
who the hell would be sappy enough to cry in this movie.
it wasnt even
that touching.
so we listen intently for awhile and
were just about to give up when we heard this
really loud sob
that came from someone in our row.
and we both looked at each other and
tried to laugh as quietly as possible.
had to leave her soon after to the movie though.
i was meeting connie and she had singing practice.
i went into this school
without ever expecting
make any new friends.
Figured i had enough true friends to last a lifetime.
And for awhile, i believed i was right.
but now,
i think i finally found a friend worth keeping in sui sui.
unexpected huh?
My sturdy, loyal, exhuberant friend.
Having her as a friend just makes going to school
a whole lot less difficult.
and a whole lot more fun.
especially when we give each other secret side-along glances
when we reach each other's thoughts.
or when we poke fun at each other.
I cant wait to see where our friendships will bring us.
Watch tatooist too.
with connie phoon.
she was literally wasting her movie ticket
throughout the whole show.
everytime a scary scene begins,
she'd start covering her face or
looking down at the carpet.
and when its over,
she starts prodding me
with questions like
"what happened?"
What did you see?"
"scary anot?"
if connie werent connie,
i'd have strangled her ages ago.
but there was a point in the movie
where we both blocked out the movie
with our hands and
were sniggering uncontrollably
at our unfortunate cowardice.
so sadly,
we both missed that part.
friday was a fun day.
cant wait for the exams to be over.
i swear.
oh wells.
i have to go now.
sk has to go back to the shop to have lunch.
and i'm going to kop some.
spoke at : 11:36 PM