holidays are here.
with the exception of afew more days of additional rehab classes,
i'm free for 3 whole weeks.
of course i'm not blowing it all away on nothing.
i've got a short job thing.
doing a company health screening thing.
Nine bucks per hour.
all thanks to sk for the lo bung (bang, bong?)
i'm currently higly annoyed.
my routine has been completely disrupted,
by my sudden onslaught of canadian and malaysian relatives.
now do i not only NOT have a room to myself,
i've taken up to hiding in the room
with my brother for fear of being overwhelmed by booming canadian accents,
chubby, boisterous cousins,
and being
sprayed with spittle when ever one of them talks.
i'm naturally not a kid lover.
i dont think they are "super adorable" like most people do.
i merely tolerate kids.
occasionally, when i happen to run into a
quiet, doopey, lovable kid,
i'm known to stick out a tongue or two affectionately.
but most of the time, i just tolerate children.
but i'm in way over my head here.
my cousins are driving me insane.
its getting so bad, to the point that whenever the doorbell rings,
i run for my life into my bedroom and shut the door.
i live in fear of them.
you might think, "oh, its not that bad la. kids only mah!"
you can ask sk for confirmation.
its like, i cant even watch a programme in front of the tv without
trying my best to either not burst out laughing,
or stand up and just asking them to shut up and get lost.
i know, i'm being mean.
but they squeezed me into the sofa, they talk sooooo loudly about what i'm watching,
giving annoying movie commentry, laughing at un-funny parts, and saying "whatever" or "thats so gay" at parts which i think ARE funny.
half the time they are peppering me with questions
in that accent that i can barely make out,
and the other half they are screaming and pointing out
that there are ants on the table,
going "Ewwwwwwww, thats a big one!"
which doesnt make sense to me at all,
because ALL ANTS ARE THE SAME SIZE! (at least the ones on my dining table are)
and i have to be understanding and paitient, because i know
that there arent any bugs where they come from, so seeing stuff like lizards and ants
are like us seeing, snow.
and then i have to swallow my irritation and repeat, smilingly for the 20th time
"yea, that was a big one, there are lots of ants in singapore."
thats not all,
they go stomping all over the place,
devouring chocolates and macdonalds, guzzling soft drinks and leaving their bottles and wrappers all over the place,
even though their mother SWEARS that they arent allowed to snack EVER.
(YEA RIGHT, as though they got to their size by taking vitamins)
and infact, sk and i were watching with morbid fascination
just yesterday, as we observed the porky little girl
pick up a packet of maltease and pop them into her mouth
when she thought no one was watching,
looking very much like a
greedy little pig.(we were both silent as we watched her, but i KNOW that same thought was going through our minds)
and she suddenly turned and caught us watching her, and she went,
"Hey! Wadda yall looking at! Why are yall starin' at me lyke daat!"
and we both had to turn away,
nostrils flaring and all,
trying our best to stifle our laughter.
i have to lock my door now.
because whenever they get the chance,
they try to open the door and barge in,
trying to prolong their stay in the room
by asking lame questions like,
"Ooooooh, whats that?"
and once they get inside they NEVER LEAVE.
and take liberties like rolling all over my bed and touching my stuff.
and i have to resort to using methods like telling them i'm going to sleep
in the middle of the afternoon
going so far with my act that i'd actually have to take of my glasses, cover myself with the blanket, and close my eyes,
before they finally get the hint and leave.
(which isnt the best thing to say because then i trap myself)
but either way i'm at a disadvantage because then they say offending stuff like,
and then i'll have to smile feebly and say stuff like
"ya, i like to take naps. haha."
honestly, they are gonna stay for one more week, and i might expire by then.
i need to get out of the house.
kill me now.