Friday, May 30, 2008
so i'm here to blog.
a short post.
just came from town.
ponned sch today.
spent my entire day wasting away at lido mac cafe.
i swear theres nothing nice about that place other than
the fact that the smoking area is rather big.
the drinks there suck.
i'd rather pay more for a starbucks anytime.
there is no air con.
but i cant really complain since i like the smoking area, and there are fans.
watched Narnia.
Prince Caspian is HOT!!!
i really think he's like one of the hottest guys i've seen in like a long long time.
if i were the girl that he likes,
i'd NEVER return to the real world.
had fun slacking there.
spent ages making weird DJ sounds with germaine.
like "Wrakka Wraakka WRAKK!!!"
We spent quite awhile composing the track and even found
a part for a third person to join in.
So any takers?
oh God, my face is itchy.
can some one please tell me not to scratch my face!!!
okayy. i officially have nothing to blog about.
i think i shall just attempt to post some pictures.
but before that
i shall do the control c thing.

vann and ryl.
camwhoring queens.

group photo taken after Zoo.
see how happy we look.

thought i'd just post this up before someone else beats me to it anyway.
see how happily COCK i look.

group photo.

and this is grace yow.
leading the troops.
with a stuuupid look on her face.

and us.
trying to find our way around.

quite a nice, incomplete picture.
but i look quite okayy.
so i'd post this one too.

and just in case you cant see.
thats sasha i'm lugging on my back.
my knees were buckling.
thats all.
you can have no idea how long it took me just
to post this meagre number of photos on my blog.
pls be appreciative.
and i lost like so many photos along the way.
if it werent for the control c thing that sha just taught me.
i'm screwed.
spoke at : 10:12 AM
Monday, May 26, 2008
omg.i'm fucking pissed.i just spent like 2 hours.typing out my birthday at the zoo.and i lost it all.fuck.
for those who took part in my birthday.
thank you.
it was the best birthday ever.
fat maid,
and everyone else who wished me.
thank you.
i wanted to type out a long entertaining post.
but now i'm just too fucking pissed off alr.
so those who are interested, please refer to other people's
blogs for photos.
i'm going to bury myself in a hole now.
spoke at : 4:52 AM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
i'm currently typing with the smallest font ever.
but its just for now, while i'm still blogging.
cause i'm in the Multimedia library again.
and its crowded today.
and i dont want any one reading behind my shoulder.
going to the zoo
on my birthday.
with F7.
but my three longs and zhiyi are invited too.
its already thursday, but i'm stll not sure what time we're meeting and stuff.
thanks to my dad's company's family day thing.
but not to worry.
i'll confirm it by tonight.
i think the zoo is gonna be really really fun.
cant wait to breathe in the ANIMAL AIR.
had a test today.
made a futile attempt by asking sk over to study with me.
i guess i never really learn my lesson.
studying and friends just dont come together in the same sentence.
had fun though.
sk couldnt stop laughing at me
cause i rolled on my specs the other day,
bended it quite badly.
and now it sits quite distortedly on my nose.
haven really gotten around to fixing it yet.
and i've already gotten used to the awkward angle.
oh wells.
not like i wear my glasses out anyways.
oh god.
my back aches like mad.
i've already taken one panadol extra.
think i'm gonna pop in the other one.
enough blogging.
i dont really feel comfortable with like people walking behind me and stuff.
spoke at : 9:56 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
i guess the only i ever get to blog is in school.
during Sports and wellness.
its not like keeping your stamina up is gonna be important
when you're too busy inhaling lung food at every opportunity.
who cares.
had a test today.
i think i screwed.
but when i say "screwed" i dun mean like FAIL.
i mean like "B" for sure.
but who cares.
its only an elective.
and i've decided not to work my ass off
for exams and stuff that much anymore.
i'm not gonna waste tears and shit on that.
cause exams are only like worth so little credits where it counts.
Hosiptal attachment is more importants.
so i've decided to delegate my energies into
thinking of ways to bribe my lecturer instead.
so its alph's birthday today!
happy birthday phonsus!!!guess what we pooled together to get for him?
a "ginny" pig.
so i cant spell the word.
and the school computer is too slow for me to bother
going to to check.
so yupp.
cool right.
i think its damn cool to get a "ginny" pig for your birthday.
not that i'm hinting.
i cant keep one.
remember what my dad did to my mouse?
eh wow.
it been half an hour and window's messenger is still only 6% done
with downloading.
means i dont think i can ever use msn on this com.
but i'll definately keep trying.
i feel like ponning school again tmr.
but that wont be like a good idea.
but if i do, i'll have a long weekend.
lets think of stuff to blog.
oh yes, my birthday is coming up next week.
and i had plans to go to the zoo,
since its a saturday and all.
my dad had to have his stupid company family day on that day too!
and he insists that i go!
like WTF.
and i did try telling him that i had plans and stuff.
but did he listen?
so now i have to g to the stupid singapore discovery centre
on my birthday instead.
sick sick sick.
and i cant go to the zoo.
unless of course its in the afternoon.
but like who goes to the zoo in the afternoon?
how now brown cow?maybe i'll ask him again soon.
i'm stopping here.
friday hurry come.
spoke at : 10:03 PM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
about time
took this damn school computer like
five whole minutes to load this page.
and i thought my new campus was loaded with all the
newest, fastest, savvy state of the art technology.
as you can tell, i'm still in school.
its supposed to be Sports and wellness period now.
but i have the bestest S&W lecturer in the world.
and he even told us that
if we didnt want to perspire, we could go slack in the air conditioned gym
(which is what i did last week)
or we could go sit down on a bench somewhere
until it was time to take attendance and then return to the stupid
stuffy sports hall.
he completely understands us and never forces us to participate in S&W.
eitehr that,
or he doesnt want to risk being nasty to his future caretakers in the hospital.
my bloody keyboard is screwed.
the fucking "r" keeps popping out.
damn bloody annoying.
so here i am.
in the multimedia centre.
making full use of the vast array of state of the art equipment
easily available for the students's convenience and learning.
and here i am still struggling with the fucked up "r".
i'm officially pissed of with my bloody keyboard.
do you have any idea how many times i've had to delete my sentences.
because most of the words look like this "arrrrrrrrrrray".
sucks right.
forget it.
i'm off.
spoke at : 11:35 PM