its been ages.
but i figured i'd blog some today.
i need to express myself once in awhile.
especially in this time of need.
i'm gonna chain again.
left with like 2 stick.
so insecure.
sui's coming over soon.
projects stink.
know what,
i lost my laser pointer.
it just dropped out.
and the batteries and all fell out.
so the only thing thats left is that end of it.
thats attached to my keys.
now i have no light to guide me through my house
when i come back late and
all the lights are off.
and no laser pointer to
point at stupid cats,
and laugh in amusement while they chase the red dot mindlessly.
i lost a thing that i really liked.
besides that laser pointer.
but lets not go there.
its too depressing.
i cant bear to blog alr.
bye bye.