Friday, December 19, 2008


sha's in the shower.
which is why i've sneaked this time to blog.
its not really shiok to blog about anything when someone's
peering over your shoulder,
reading the words, fresh from your thoughts.

oh wells.
i think i'm going to nyp later.
cause sha wants to get some sweater.
i dont know why she's going to nyp of all places to buy a sweater.

but before that.
i'm making a trip to the fucking bank.
cause they fucking froze all the money in my account
and i have no idea why.

its damn bloody annoying, cause
its the holiday season and i need more money then
how am i suppose to do any online shopping with no friggin cash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hope it has nothing to do with the insurance.
please please please.
leave me alone.
ask my mum,
she agreed to pay for my insurance.

i'm stopping here.
cause i do not hear the shower running anymore.


i hope to play left for dead today.
damn fun!

spoke at : 12:02 AM

Saturday, December 06, 2008

so now i'm back from the 5 days escapade from home.

there are more cons than pros about deliberately leaving home you know.
and sometimes,
its takes afew days away from your comfort zone to really
know that your home has sort of been a comfort zone.

even though sometimes home seems more like a war zone.
but lets not go there.

not that i didnt enjoy myself out there.
with suddenly no rules and boundaries
it was a completely different feeling.
rather exhilarating if i must say so myself.
sadly it was my exam week.
so i couldnt really enjoy my freedom to its maximum potential.

its my holidays now!

and i fully intend to enjoy myself!!!

so call me out people!
i'm free!!!!!


spoke at : 10:38 PM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

its been ages.

but i figured i'd blog some today.

i need to express myself once in awhile.
especially in this time of need.

i'm gonna chain again.
left with like 2 stick.
so insecure.

sui's coming over soon.
projects stink.

know what,
i lost my laser pointer.


it just dropped out.

and the batteries and all fell out.
so the only thing thats left is that end of it.
thats attached to my keys.

now i have no light to guide me through my house
when i come back late and
all the lights are off.

and no laser pointer to
point at stupid cats,
and laugh in amusement while they chase the red dot mindlessly.

i lost a thing that i really liked.
besides that laser pointer.

but lets not go there.
its too depressing.

i cant bear to blog alr.
bye bye.

spoke at : 12:35 AM

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I cant remember what day this was.
But we had fun.

Cheryl, looking very happy to have her photo taken.

Zhiyi emo-ing? and kim very happy with her cards.

My sensi sensi nat. haha.

this is the only picture out of like 10 which i allow to be posted up.
because i swear i look deformed in the rest.
so nat, please be understanding if your face does kinda look "hamsterish".
sacrifices must be made.
i love you!

and this is the FEAST that we Sk, connie and i had yesterday
at newton.
we managed to finish like 80 percent of it.
which was a huge feat for us,
considering sk and i full bellies of beer before that.

connie the pig.

and yes, our 28 dollar crab, which i found quite sandy.

so-so oyster omelette.

the "newtown must have stingray"

sk's buns. haha. no pun intended.

and i swear the chilli kankong was friggin good.
my mouth is watering.

and finally, sha. because i cant help trying to capture her.

How long are you going to stay mad at me,
for saying what i felt.
albeit , those words were said in a thin haze of toxication.
but how long are you going to punish me for it.
Don't do this to me.

spoke at : 12:03 AM

Saturday, August 09, 2008

so here i am.
alone at home today.
technically i am, because my dad doesnt count.
i'm pissed off with him.

he refusd to let me stay over at grace's place,
even though i sacrificed my pre-arranged outing with my friends
to go out on national day, all dressed in red.

i rush home from sha's house just to be back on time to watch the ndp telecast with him,
and i'm not even allowed to stay over at my best friend's place?
like how unfair is that to me.
when do i ever get to stayover anywhere?
Camps not included.

now i assume that everyone is there.
drinking the two bottles of chivas,
which i'm craving for now, and
playing majong with i'm dying to learn.
fucker know.

and so.
i'm just going to post up pictures.
yes yes.
its a rare thing.
but i'm feeling patient with blogger today.

and so below are the photos of The Singapore Garden Festival.
Held at suntec city, in one of the expo halls.

actually, it was so huge that it took up 2 whole levels.

i'm not into phototaking.
so i just took afew pictures, since
everyone around me were snapping away like crazy,
i just had the kiasu urge to push my way into the front
to get the best shot.
cant lose to crazy old auntie's with lao pok phones.

These gardens are completely real.
Those landscape artistes won awards for their gardens.

This is actially an underwater garden thing.
my phone couldnt capture it well, but there were actually bubbles loating around.

and yes i know these are a tad bit vain-ish.
but bear with me once in a while.
besides, sha was taking a shower
and i had nothing to do.
but the sepia effect is driving me crazy and i only want to take photos
with this effect from now on.
besides, zhiyi secretly thought she looked good in her bacl and white shot and
asked me to bluetooth it to her, but she still refuses to admit it!
Ng zhiyi! youre as vain as i am!!!!
nat's here.
so i'm done.
bye bye.

spoke at : 7:55 AM

Saturday, August 02, 2008

you always react like this.
no matter how i try to make this better.
it never even occured to you that you didnt confirm anything with me.
its always "see how" or "maybe later".
If you would confirm something with me for once, than maybe you wont have to blame me later for making other plans.
and i've told you so many times,
no one can replace you.
and yet i find that i have to keep apologising for every single damn thing.
i'm sure i have been a bad friend, because i know you need me, and it seems like i'm not
around to spend time with you alone, like how we used to.
but you dont give me chance to try.
everytime i open my mouth you shoot me down.

i have so many things to tell you,.
stuff that only you can understand, and help me sort out.
but you choose to blame me for ditching you every time.
and i always have to try and apologise.
when was the last time you said sorry for anything?
or maybe you dont ever have to.
cause i'm always in the wrong.
i'm just not good enough.
i dont bother trying.
i'm always the first to ask about you before any event.
"where is she?"
"did you call her"
"is she coming?"
but i guess you're not around to hear it.

you make me afraid to ask you out now.
because whenever i do, i earn a sarcastic reply before anything.
i just cant please you, and everything i do pisses you off.

and you.

do i really behave like such a monster that you have to resort to
warding your friends away just to please me?
am i really such a tyrant?
i told you so many times already.
that the last thing i want you to do is to cut of your friends just because i haven learnt to control my emotions.
i told you i was trying, learning.
why couldnt you wait for me.
do you have any idea how much it hurts to hear what you told her?
how it makes me look?
what if she really needed someone to talk to and you werent around because "i'd get angry."
you think i'd truly want that?
you really think i'm that sort of selfish person?

i know you were only trying to prevent problems.
and i know you were just thinking of me when you did it.
but i wish you understood me better.
but you dont.
and it hard to say if you ever will.

i'm turning into something that i've always scorned when i saw it in others.
if i need to make this stop,
i will.

spoke at : 7:33 PM

Sunday, July 20, 2008

i see you everyday, you're a habit i dont ever want to kick.

Chua and his tic tacs, sharp comebacks and cool smiles. Woo!

even though they stole my phone and camwhore with it (this is just one of the MANY pictures.)
i love them till no end.

kim, remembering what you did with the price tags on the sunglasses still makes me laugh.

And nat, who i can always count on to be there no matter what.
See, even non-humans like my sister loves her.


so these are just afew random pictures.

it seems today is a lucky phone day.

like for once, i can actually see that my phone card file

pops up right after i connect the usb to my com.

it normally doesnt, and i dont know how to rectify it.

just been hanging out with the same people.

cheryl has just been a permament "cannot-do-without" fixture in my life right now.

and of course there's sha.


alot has been going on right now.

trust me.

i do mean ALOT.

and it seems that none of it is in my hands anymore.

not that it ever has been if you choose to look at it in a pessimistic light.

i wonder if it was foolish of me to trust you.
i pray i'm wrong.

but whatever is it, i've had enough.
i wash my hands off everything.
and i'm just going to focus on myself now.
on the things and on the people who are important to me.
and who will never let me down.

i'm not going to tell you how badly you disappointed me.
It hurts to think you even said that.

spoke at : 6:34 AM


F-5 :)


singing in the bathroom
romance novels! :)
shopping or window shopping
hubby :D
orlando bloom
nichlas tse

adopt your own virtual pet!





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December 2008


BP. :)

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